Happy Thanksgiving From Brad’s Music Room

Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow music lovers. Today is a special day for Brad’s Music Room. That is because we celebrate the fifth anniversary of this blog. Since the site was launched you have read over 430 posts and left almost 1,000 comments. I am humbled and thankful for you, my readers and loyal subscribers. It’s your encouragement and feedback that keep this blog alive.Β 

Most of you will eat a meal today prepared by a special loved one. Perhaps that is you. Because of their/your under-appreciated, sacrificial service, I chose a song Linda played for me this week. It seems to capture everything I want to say to you today.

And join me Sunday as I begin my annual “History of Christmas Music” series.

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5 Responses to Happy Thanksgiving From Brad’s Music Room

  1. Ann says:

    Happy thanksgiving to the Hickman family!!! πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

  2. Judy McDowell says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to sunny San Antonio. We are in the mid-south grays. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!!

  3. Karen says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. Love the music!

  4. Lauren H says:

    Love this and love you! Happy thanksgiving!

  5. Sharon says:

    Loved the music. Love you. Congratulations on 50 years.

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