Divided Methodist Church

On February 26, the United Methodist General Conference 2019 delegates passed The Traditional Plan 438 to 384. The judicial council raised several constitutionality issues. They addressed these issues with amendments to the Traditional Plan.

The Rev. Tim McClendon, South Carolina, called for a vote on the Traditional Plan as amended. This affirms the church’s current bans on ordaining LGBTQ clergy and officiating at or hosting same-sex marriage.

Opponents mounted a last-ditch effort to bring back the One Church Plan. Delegates defeated the One Church Plan by a vote of 449-374. The Rev. Tom Berlin, Virginia Conference, spoke for a minority report for the One Church Plan.

Berlin told delegates that approving the One Church Plan did not force any pastor or church to perform same-sex marriages. Nor did it force anyone to change what they believe about the Bible. In addition the plan would allow conferences to ordain LGBTQ pastors. It would also allow churches to host, and pastors to officiate at same-sex marriages.

“If the Traditional Plan is voted in, it will be a virus that will make the American church very sick” he said. “Many pastors are going to leave, many annual conference will leave. … There will be trials, and they will be on the news. The only news about the church will be about people we don’t serve.”

Where Will We Go From Here?

Adopting the Traditional Plan is yet another milestone in the evolution of the Methodist Church. Time will tell how this ultimately unfolds. Will the church decide on an amicable separation similar to the Lutheran and Presbyterian churches?

I have family and friends on both sides of this controversial issue. Personally I disagree with the church’s position. I wish they would have adopted the One Church Plan. However, I understand and respect their decision. As Methodists we may be divided on this issue. However, we will survive.

My first encounter with a gay man came in the mid-1990s. He worked for me. We were on a business trip to San Francisco where we talked about his partner who died from AIDS. I was deeply moved by his story. Prior to that conversation I was admittedly a bit homophobic. His testimony put a human face on the issue for me. Since then I have met many gay and lesbian individuals and couples. Many of whom I consider good friends.

Regardless of what happens to the church I will try to live faithfully by the example shown by Jesus Christ.

John 13:34
So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.

Posted in Current Events, Spiritual Journey | 7 Comments

Band of Brothers

I met Dave Hubin in early December 2002. We were table mates at the St. John’s table, Walk to Emmaus #1039. We didn’t seem to have much in common. He retired from the United States Air Force as a Lt Col. and Command Pilot. I would begin long-term disability on Saturday. In fact, I didn’t spend a lot of time talking with Dave that weekend. Little did we know it would be the beginning of a lifelong friendship.

Following the three-day experience, we formed a small group to support each other in our ongoing walk with Christ. This reunion group, which we named Band of Brothers consisted of six members. Myself, Dave, our table leader Tim Barton, Mike Ford, Tony LoBosso, and Todd Yackley. We met for breakfast each week at 6:30 AM at Jim’s restaurant, Lp. 410 @ Broadway. Tony’s work commitments forced him to quit after a few weeks. Joe Carter replaced him and we moved our meeting location to North Central Baptist Hospital cafeteria. I can still remember those super tacos 😃🌮. Todd, a United States Air Force captain was soon transferred to South Dakota. After Joe died we started meeting for lunch at my house.

Each week we begin the meeting with an opening prayer. We then take turns discussing our spirituality from the prior week(s). Our discussion then shifts to things like our Closest to Christ moments and Calls to Discipleship. We end each of our turns with Prayers for Special Needs. Finally, we close with a prayer of Thanksgiving.

Dave has long been the heart and soul of the Band of Brothers reunion group. We seldom met when he wasn’t available. In recent years deteriorating health has made his participation exceedingly difficult. He was parliamentarian of the group. Thus appropriately he always ran the anchor leg at our meetings.

Final Farewell

I attended David’s memorial service Friday. Seems like we could have tried a little harder for one more reunion group meeting. We will miss you David as you take your final mission into the Wild Blue Yonder.


Posted in Inspiring Secular Music | 7 Comments

CBS Sunday morning

I love watching CBS Sunday Morning. The last two weeks featured two women who can easily be described as legends. I grew up listening to music from both and have continued enjoying their music since the 1970s. Today I am including transcripts plus hyperlinks to the video for both segments.

Linda Ronstadt

Linda Ronstadt quit performing years ago – her Parkinson’s disease makes singing impossible. But last fall, she spoke to a sellout crowd at The Theatre at Ace Hotel in Los Angeles, who came to see her in person, and listen to her talk about what has been a magical life.

“The great thing about having a hit is that means people like you,” Ronstadt told the audience. “But the bad thing about it is, it means you have to sing that song over and over and over again, night after and night after night, ’til it starts sounding like your washing machine.”

The crowd basked in Ronstadt’s tales of her life and career, such as when she toured for four months as the opening act of The Doors: “It was pretty tough to play with The Doors. It was kinda like a double bill of ‘Bambi’ and ‘Deep Throat’!”

Correspondent Tracy Smith asked Ronstadt, “What’s it like to get that kind of warmth when you’re just talking?”

I was just astounded. I mean, it made me feel good, but I was glad they didn’t boo, or start yelling for ‘Heat Wave’!”

And who knows, there could be even more awards on the way: Last week she came out with a new live album – her first ever – made from newly-uncovered tapes of a made-for-TV concert in 1980, when she was at the height of her vocal powers.

To watch the full episode visit CBS Sunday Morning Linda Ronstadt 

Dolly Parton

We’ve all been singing along with Dolly Parton for decades. But if you want to know the truth about her, know this: She works way more than just 9 to 5. Even with a half-century of music behind her, the glitzy, big-haired queen of country glamour is still at it 24/7, still writing her legacy one song at a time.

“That’s my therapy; my little guitar’s my friend,” she told correspondent Tony Dokoupil. “And when I’m in that zone – I call it my ‘God zone’ – I just love that time.”

So please, don’t even mention the R-word to this 73-year-old. “Yeah, people always say, ‘Why don’t you retire?’ I say, ‘And do what?’ I mean, what does that even mean?”

“Sit on your pile of money and awards?”

“I could never do that. And I don’t care. I always count my blessings, more than I count my money. I don’t work for money, never did. It was the art, it was the job. I loved the work. And I’ve done well, and I’m thankful for it.”

Dolly Parton has written more than 3,000 songs, and she says her favorite is “A Coat of Many Colors,” a story of a poor kid from the Great Smoky Mountains who learned early on what really matters.

To watch the full episode visit CBS Sunday Morning Dolly Parton

Posted in Inspiring Secular Music | 6 Comments