On June 1 the congregation of Coker United Methodist Church will embark on a journey through the Bible beginning with Genesis and wrapping up with Revelation 100 days later. Each day participants will read a prescribed scripture passage, 50 from the Old Testament and 50 from the New.
So what does this have to do with music and why am I bringing this up in Brad’s Music Room? I wanted to use my blog to make it fun and easy to read the Scriptures every day. I also wanted to use music to bring the Scriptures to life. In essence, a soundtrack to the stories of the Bible.
Each day I will create a post that will contain the scripture reading for that day along with a selected piece of classical music. Some days that music will reflect an accurate depiction of the scripture. I must apologize in advance for the rest. I plan to take poetic license with some of the others. You may find me taking Moses and the Israelites to a wild west hoedown or soliciting help from a favorite Disney character. I may see if Jesus can fly or send Paul on a mission to a galaxy far far away. Chances are you will have a new association with a familiar piece of classical music. Maybe the next time you hear Fūr Elise you’ll not only think of Schroeder at his toy piano but King David too.
Although I don’t plan to take myself too seriously, reading scripture is another matter. I will do my best to make the stories of the Bible accessible but the rest is up to you. Please join me as we set forth on this voyage together. If you complete this adventure with me I know you will be blessed and perhaps at summer’s end God will look down from heaven, smile and say “well done my good and faithful servants”.
Thank you, Brad! I am looking forward to June 1 ….
Brad, I am so looking forward to the next 100 days and your correlation of the scriptures to music. I can’t wait!! Thanks in advance!!! Ann
I will be traveling for the first 30 days. Receiving your daily 100 day email will give a sense of home and keep me on track. God Bless!
I look forward to having something that will give me a push to complete this program. Music has always been a part of my life. Charles and I enjoyed many types of music and I shall enjoy how you will “mix it up”.
Brad, thank you for sharing your interest in music and music history with us. This will add another dimension to the Bible study. I am looking forward to it!
I am looking forward to the journey Brad!
Thanks for doing this. It will add a wonderful dimension to the scripture readings. Appreciate you.
What a beautiful beginning to this journey we will be taking together this summer!
Brad, I see a whole lot of effort went into this endeavor to make the readings even more enjoyable. Thanks and well done thy good and faithful servant.