
It was a typical Southwest Missouri spring with thunderstorms settling in and drenching the area for days. Surviving on board games, music and peanut butter sandwiches, Bert, Randy and I leapt with childhood joy when the sun finally came out. Escaping the confines of the four walls of our living room we scaled the barbed wire fence guarding the field behind our house. It was a pastoral setting with cows grazing in the distance and the sun glistening on the surface of a small pond. A cardinal sang, announcing that spring had arrived. The perfect prescription to combat our cabin fever. After landing with a squish on the saturated ground we embarked on a journey across the field to the pond beckoning in the distance. That’s when I heard it:

Randy: “I dare you to swim across that pond.”

Normally dry, the rains had transformed this tranquil lowland into a frightening cauldron. A minimum of 3 feet deep and 10 yards in diameter, this milk chocolate colored water feature felt more cesspool than swimming hole. I wasn’t going to back down from a dare but I needed compensation.

Brad: “What will you give me?”

Randy: “I will give you that 45 we were just listening to.”

Ten minutes later, I had a new 45 and a precious memory.

For those of us who prefer to keep our feet firmly on dry ground, the question arises: Why? Perhaps extreme tightrope walker Philippe Petit  explained it best when he answered, after his 1974 tight rope walk between the twin towers, “There is no why.” Or maybe our love for the Beatles makes us do crazy things.

How about you? Have you ever done anything crazy on a dare?

FullSizeRenderI Feel Fine” is a song written by John Lennon (credited to Lennon-McCartney) and released in 1964 by the Beatles as the A-side of their eighth British single. The song is notable for being one of the first uses of guitar feedback in popular music.

FullSizeRender-1She’s a Woman” is a song by the Beatles, written mainly by Paul McCartney and credited to Lennon-McCartney. John Lennon contributed to the lyrics and middle eight (the bridge). The song was finished in the studio the morning of the session. It was released as the B-side to “I Feel Fine” in 1964, their last single release that year. It reached number 4 on the Billboard Hot 100 from frequent airplay.


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6 Responses to Daredevil

  1. Brenda says:

    You made me grin, with this one, Brad! I could just see the three of you scampering across that field, and I’m wondering how you could explain being totally covered in mud to your mother! You open the door to my memory, and then the music takes me back… Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love reading these. Was these the infamous house on Dayton street. ?!

  3. Ann says:

    What a fun memory, Brad!! I can just see you taking someone up on their dare.

  4. Oh my gosh! Bet your mom had her hands full!!!

  5. Ron Sylvester says:

    Spent a lot of time listening to that record. Both sides. Classic harmony in “I Feel Fine” and Paul’s growl on “She’s A Woman.”

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