Christmas During Medieval Times

FQ480344_942longNoel [noh-el] –
noun – a Christmas song or carol

We are all very familiar with “The First Noel” but have you ever wondered what came after that? The first specifically Christmas hymns that we know of appear in fourth century Rome.   Like all Christian music of the medieval period, these were Latin hymns used specifically for liturgical purposes. Instruments were never used; all songs were performed a cappella. Christmas music was not sung outside of churches. One example of this type of hymn is “Veni Redemptor Gentium.”



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3 Responses to Christmas During Medieval Times

  1. Janet Love says:

    This is the first time I have heard this. It is hauntingly beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Did your Mother introduce this to you, or is this a piece you discovered? Sometime, I would love for you to share more with us about your Mother and her love of music that she passed to you. Advent blessings to you and your family.

  2. Brad says:

    I discovered this when preparing for a class I was conducting on the history of Christian music.

  3. Mike FORD says:

    You enrich our lives through your love and knowledge of music, Brad. Thank you for sharing both with us.

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