Happy Thanksgiving

ThanksgivingToday marks the second anniversary of Brad’s Music Room.  This marks the 199th post since the site was launched. I am humbled and thankful for you, my 122 loyal subscribers. It’s your encouragement and feedback that keep this blog alive.



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8 Responses to Happy Thanksgiving

  1. Brandy says:

    Beautiful. Thank you.

  2. Denise says:

    Happy Thanksgiving, to you and yours.

  3. Janet Love says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I have enjoyed your Music Room blog and all or your comments, insights, and wonderful music selections. I feel blessed to have know you for all these many years. You are such a talented and inspirational person!


  4. Steve says:

    Brad thanks for this. Happy Thanksgiving!!! Looking forward to the Super Bowl party


  5. Gary & Janetta Strieder-St. Louis, MO says:

    Brad-thanks for your faithful work and encouragement. Enjoy your family(we understand you’ve got a full house)!
    Thankful to our Faithful Lord,
    Gary & Janetta Strieder

  6. Charlotte says:

    Thanks Brad. You are an inspiration to me. I see your faith, courage and joy in life and it makes me humble. This post especially touched me. Bill has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and we are enjoying this Thanksgiving together, our 45th. I have so much to be thankful for and this post reminded me of that.

  7. Lynn says:

    Brad, I don’t often post, but I always enjoy your blog. Your musical selections are wide and varied and your writing is poignant and reminiscent.

    Thank you for sharing your life.
    Blessings to you and Linda,
    Lynn Hurt

  8. Beth says:

    Congratulations on a very successful launch of a phenomenal blog! Two years and just getting going, whoo hoo!

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