Trivia Tuesday


What do the following nursery rhymes have in common: Twinkle Twinkle Little StarBaa, Baa, Black Sheep, and The Alphabet Song? They all share the same tune! This famous tune is also used with several other German and Hungarian Christmas carols. So who composed this famous tune? Many people think it was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, but that’s not true. The tune is actually an old French melody titled “Ah! Vous Dirai-Je, Maman” (“Shall I tell you, Mother?”) that first appeared without words in Les Amusements d’une Heure et Demy by M. Bouin in Paris in 1761. Mozart subsequently composed a set of 12 improvisations on “Ah! Vous Dirai-Je, Maman.”

[mlw_quizmaster quiz=1]


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1 Response to Trivia Tuesday

  1. Beth says:

    Well, this is amazing! How fun to know this little known trivia and to watch the young lady perform this piece. She seemed to enjoy each part and really put herself into it!!

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